Tautology (Logic)
in a logical context: a proposition that is necessary true.
For example:
Either it rains, or it doesn’t.
If there is no third state thinkable, outside of “raining” and “not raining”, the statement must be true in all situations: it is tautological.
Any proposition that is always true, independent of external circumstances, is called a “tautology”.
The following logical formulae are examples of tautologies, as they can never be false:
:A ∨ ⌐A
(A or not A)
:A → A
(If A, then A)
The same is true for all (valid) mathematical equations or inequations, for example:
:2 + 3 = 5
:x² ≥ 0
:¹⁄x ≠ 0
In all of these, the propositions are necessary true.
Tautologies can also be hidden in definitions, e.g. as in the following:
If a number is even, then it is divisible by 2.
As divisibility by 2 is a possible definition of even numbers, both antecedent and consequent extend to the same this is a tautological statement.
The opposite of a tautology is a contradiction: a proposition that is necessarily false.
On this site, the logical symbol ⊤
is used for tautologies. As every tautology is inherently true, it can also be replaced by the term „true
“ or its equivalent in the various formal systems (e.g. 1
in Boolean logic).
Occasionally, also the double turnstile symbol (⊨
) is used in this meaning. This is not recommended, as this symbol is also used for “implication”.
See also
More information
- Tautology (logic) on Wikipedia
- Tautology on WolframMathWorld