====== Existential Fallacy ====== A [[logic:formal_fallacies:index|formal fallacy]] by which //existence// is implied in a logical operation that would require it to be proven first. Take, for example, the following [[glossary:syllogism|syllogism]]: > All animals are mortal.   (true) > No unicorn is mortal.   ([[glossary:vacuous_truth|vacuously true]]) > Therefore, there exists //unicorns// which are not //animals//.     (//existential fallacy//) On first glance, this resembles the [[logic:inferences:modus_celarent:modus_camestros|Modus Camestros]] [[app>#camestros|Show “Modus Camestros” in Syllogism FInder App]], but it lacks the ex­pli­cit [[glossary:existential_import|existential import]] that this form nor­mally re­quires. As a result, the //con­clu­sion// here, which implies existence of //unicorns// is not valid. ===== Other names ===== * (Illicit) existential instantiation ===== Description ===== Different types of logical state­ments may or may not refer to //empty ex­ten­sions// of the terms used. Most not­ably, [[glossary:universal_quantification|uni­versal quan­ti­fi­ca­tions]] (like all A are B) do //not//, wheras [[glossary:existential_quantification|exis­tential quan­ti­fi­ca­tions]] (like some A are B) //do// imply ex­istence. This can lead to problems when the lat­ter type is in­fered from earlier. A typ­ical situ­ation where this happens is when an //ex­is­tent­ial quan­ti­fi­ca­tion// is in­fer­red from a //uni­ver­sal// one. In prin­ci­ple, this is pos­sible, as the //exis­ten­tial quan­ti­fier// is the //weaker// form of the two ([[glossary:argumentum_a_fortiori:index|Argu­mentum a Forti­ori]]), mean­ing that a state­ment like //all// cars are vehicles ob­vi­ously also im­plies that //some// cars are vehicles. What is less obvious, though, is that this inference is only possible because we //know// that cars actually exist. In other words, by our knowledge (which is external to the logical statements), we implicitly [[glossary:existential_import|import existence]] into this trans­formation. This becomes a problem with state­ments which refer to some­thing that does //not// exist: “all //uni­corns// are im­mortal” is //[[glossary:vacuous_truth|vacu­ously true]]//, mean­ing it is //true// spe­ci­fi­cally be­cause no uni­corns exist that could ac­tu­ally ever die. If we trans­form this into there exist uni­corns which are im­mortal, this //im­pli­cit// [[glossary:existential_import|exis­ten­tial import]] goes wrong and we have ar­rived to a state­ment which is clearly //not true//. For this reason, infering from a form that allows re­fer­ring to an empty ex­tens­ion to one that does //not//, re­quires that the im­port is made //ex­plicit//. Such situ­ations arise in a number of [[glossary:syllogism|syllogisms]], where an //ex­is­ten­tial// con­clu­sion is de­rived from uni­ver­sal pre­mises. In par­ti­cu­lar, this af­fects the modi [[logic:inferences:modus_barbara:modus_barbari|Bar­bari]], [[logic:inferences:modus_barbara:modus_bamalip|Bama­lip]], [[logic:inferences:modus_celarent:modus_calemos|Cale­mos]], [[logic:inferences:modus_celarent:modus_camestros|Cames­tros]], [[logic:inferences:modus_celarent:modus_celaront|Cela­ront]], [[logic:inferences:modus_celarent:modus_cesaro|Ce­saro]], [[logic:inferences:modus_darii:modus_darapti|Da­rap­ti]], [[logic:inferences:modus_ferio:modus_felapton|Fel­ap­ton]] and [[logic:inferences:modus_ferio:modus_fesapo|Fe­sapo]]. In all of these, there is an ad­di­tional re­quire­ment to ex­pli­citly vali­date the //exis­ten­tial im­port// for at least one of the terms used. However, this fallacy is not limited to syl­log­istic in­fer­ences, but can hap­pen when­ever a state­ment which has an ex­is­ten­tial im­pli­cation is de­rived from a state­ment that does not. ===== See also ===== * [[glossary:existential_import|Existential import]] * [[glossary:existential_quantification|Existential quantifications]] * [[glossary:extension|Extension]] * [[glossary:universal_quantification|Universal quantifications]] ===== More information ===== * [[http://www.fallacyfiles.org/existent.html|The Existential Fallacy]] on //Fallacy Files//