====== Argumentum a Fortiori ====== Lat.: "argument from the stronger [argument]": a principle of logic and law that a stronger argument supports a weaker one. For example, in mathematics: > If ''x > 3'' holds //true//, > then ''x > 2'' also holds //true//. We can consider ''x > 3'' as the //stronger// of the two statements, as it restricts the possible values for ''x'' more. ===== Other names ===== Traditionally, we distinguish between: * Argumentum a maiore ad minus (“argument from the greater to the smaller”) * Argumentum a minori ad maius (“argument from the smaller to the greater”) However, this distinction is not relevant to the topic of this website. ===== Description ===== The principle "argumentum a fortiori describes the fact that a //weaker// argument can be derived from a //stronger// one. ==== Distributivity ==== A good example is the principle of "[[glossary:distributivity|distributivity]]" which applies, among other things, to [[glossary:categorical_statement|categorical statements]]. It describes, under which circumstances a category term can also referr to its parts or sub-categories. Thus, in a [[glossary:universal_quantification|universal statement]] such as "all //dogs// are //mammals//", the //subject// (here: "dogs") is distributed and thus also refers to, for example, //poodles//, //greyhounds//, //watchdogs//, or even the //our neighbor’s dachshund//, etc. Thus, from the //strong// statement "all dogs are mammals" //weaker// statements such as "//our neighbor’s dachshund// is a //mammal// " can be derived. ==== Universal and existential propositions ==== Another example concerns the relation of universal to existential propositions. For example, from the //strong// universal statement "all //dogs// are //mammals//", we can derive the //weaker// "there exist //dogs//, which are //mammals//". ==== Syllogisms ==== This conclusion from all-phrases to existence-phrases also leads to the fact that for all syllogism-forms, where an all-phrase is in the conclusion, there is also a weaker variant, where only an existence-phrase is concluded. For example, the //weaker// variant of the [[logic:inferences:modus_barbara:index|Modus Bar­bara]] [[app>#barbara|Show in Syllogism-Finder App]] is the [[logic:inferences:modus_barbara:modus_barbari|Modus Bar­bari]] [[app>#barbari|Show in Syllogism-Finder App]]. Here, too, it is important to note that the conclusion to an existential proposition is accompanied by an existential introduction, which has to be proved as a secondary condition.